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Telephones and Exchanges

Glemsford first had a manual telephone exchange which opened in late 1907 or 1908. Pictures below show the first ATE and the telephone box located at Fair Green. The tired looking but much loved telephone kiosk at Fair Green had a thorough makeover during the summer of 2024 complete with new windows, signage and paintwork. Volunteers from Glemsford Local History Society undertook the work with a grant from Babergh District Council, courtesy of Cllr Stephen Plumb. The kiosk has been owned by the Parish Council since 2011. In keeping with a village heritage asset, vintage photographs will be displayed in the kiosk capturing the immediate street scene of days gone by.

Below; The K6 Telephone Box -

Photograph as recorded by the K6 project on March 25th 2023.

Photograph by kind permission of Paul Bottomley.

Link to K6 Project


Two photographs from an earlier refurbishment  completed in 2012.


Interesting to see The Little Cottage at 13 Fair Green in the background, that has been considerably remodelled in recent years!

The kiosk after refurbishment by history society members as at October 2024

The first Automatic Telephone Exchange (ATE) in Glemsford was located in Egremont Street. The exchange came into service in about 1930 replacing a manual exchange opened in late 1907 or 1908. It ceased operation in February 1974 when lines were taken over by the current exchange. It is now privately owned.

Glemsford Telephone Exchange is located in Angel Lane and serves Glemsford and the surrounding area.

It came into service in February 1974, taking over lines from the former exchange.

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